Monday, October 25, 2010

Your splash page is awesome. Everything is short and concise, and it appears simple. Yet you have a separation of background colors between the navigation menu and the main part of the page, and this makes the page look very well done. All of the pages are an easy legnth to read, and i think this webpage is very effective in presenting infromation.

The layout of your splash page is wonderful. The naviagtion bars are extremely well done, and the difference in fonts really brings some contrast into the page. I like the idea of clicking on links that open to other websites, and that makes your website look credible, and involved with the rest of the world. You did a very good job.

Your splash page is simple concise and it gets the most important points of your topic across to the readers very well. The change in font of the title and normal text helps make this splash page look professional. A couple of your titles are not linked to anything, but i am assuming that is because you are still doing some final touches on those.

Digital literacy could enhance our ability to mkae more suitable information for the inteded target.
Information explosion can account for more time that people spent reading, as well as in increase in digital technnology.

Users only spend about 4.4 seconds for every extra 100 words on a webpage.
79% of webpage users scan the webpage, instead of actually reading it.
Webpages encourage scanning by having highlighted text and meaningful headings as well as bulleted lists.
Using concise text, scannable layout, and objective language in a combination is the most effective way to present information.

Use consistent navigation bars.
Group similar pages together.
Navigation elements for evey page.
Put meaningful titles on the navigation bar.

Websites that Suck:

Make the main focal point of the current page easy to determine
You should be able to figure out the purpose of the page by scanning it We don't know which design items are not necessary

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