Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Treatment First Draft

The beginning opens with the ambiguous end through a huge explosion. The camera focuses on the telephone in Van's hands as she drops it and runs out her front door to stop her parents but as they enter their car an explosion occurs. And then from her eye she is interrupted by Jolu and it takes them to the present day coffee shop when she is having a conversation but she is zoned out. Van asks if her and Jolu can reschedule their girls outing and Van heads home. The camera pans on different pictures of her parents and family photos throughout their house. Van sits on the couch depressed and focuses back on her eye and then zooms back out to the flashback scene before the explosion. Her parents say "we will be back, we are just going to get our passports to get ready for our departure." (*the phone rings) And her parents nonchalantly ask Van to handle it while their gone. She answers and it is a government agent of North Korea. The agent on the phone with Van says "cherish this and say farewell to your makers". And the first scene of Van running out and dropping the phone happens exactly the same. Van goes to the ground in tears and utter shock. But her parents appear from the rubble barely alive. As they are walking out of the catastrophe, her mom mouths "help, help, help" it is slightly inaudible but it focuses on Van's eye again and she blinks and it transitions back into the present day an shows her mother opening the door saying "Help" with a large bag of groceries. And Van again runs to her mother and father as it fades out.

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