Monday, April 11, 2011

First Little Brother Remix --- For my first remix of Little Brother, I decided to create a longer cartoon strip. This time I tried to make it serious, no humour at all. When I came up with the story for this remix, I was kind of thinking Little Brother meets The Dark Knight. Marcus is kind of doing vigilante justice, and in the end, blows up the DHS, which is illegal. Of course, Batman wouldn't go that far, but his actions are no where near legal either. Since I was creating a serious cartoon fan fiction of Little Brother, I decided that an important character had to die, and I made it Ange, since it seemed that Marcus had the most level of personal connection with her. It also made his actions in my ending seem more realistic. Taking revenge on the DHS for killing Ange, Marcus blows up the DHS headquarters without doubt. I tried to make all the characters also act and resemble their original "Cory" counterparts.

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