Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Machinima Response

Some of the Machinima using second life I actually enjoyed watching and others I really did not. What was a major decider for me what whether or not the mouth to sound synced up or not. In the case of using second life this does not happen typically. I found it extremely distracting to watch a short film where the mouth was completely different from the voice or sound, it really takes away from the dialogue. Example of second life machinima that did not have this problem were “Addiction” by Meowan Studios, “My Second Life”, and “The Fixer: Fat Men Run”. These films all used a sort of reflecting on the past and retelling a story kind of dialogue. This eliminates the problem with the mouth syncing. When I looked at the screenplays I found that there was an incredible amount of detail in them; they every little detail that the viewed was supposed to see was not there on accident. When you are reading it, due to the detail, you are actually able to clearly picture what is happening. When reading I noticed that the angle of the screen shots changed constantly, always giving a different perspective. I think that aspect will be hard to emulate. For my little brother inspired machinima I would like to try and do something on Daryl. He is kind of a character I would have liked to hear more about, more about his time while the DHS had him. I would like for it to be him telling the story much like “Addiction” or “The Fixer” and reflecting on his time on the island with the DHS. I think that I would be doable.

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