Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Topic Proposal

One big question that came to mind while reading "Little Brother" was the question: How far do people go in order to fight for what they believe in? But then I thought about it a little more, and that question didn't make me feel very uncomfortable at all. And that's when a real unsettling question came to me. Something I related to. This question, which also poses as my topic proposal, is: What do young people (newer generation) risk and give up in order to fight for what they believe in? And perhaps also WHY we would risk so much, and not just settle for what we consider less. This theme is apparent throughout the whole book as Marcus's whole battle against the DHS risks his own freedom and life even. Yet he still goes through with everything in the end, even though the risks are phenomenal, and even though most people would've backed down. There are many examples of this theme. A lot of movements, such as the gay rights or freedom of speech movements, were primarily moved by the younger generation of that day. I think there would be a lot of information on this topic. It's also scary to me because I am the new generation and if anything ever happened that made me have to risk everything or do nothing and live miserably...well I have no idea what I'd do. I feel like I'd be too scared to risk everything, even for something I believe in with all my heart. It's scary for me to think of having to make that choice of standing for what I believe in, or not doing a thing. Not only that, but just imaging what actions we as the new generation are capable of doing in order to fight for our believes. Well, we could change society forever. Very scary. The books answer to my question would be that the younger people would very much risk and give up anything. Their life, even the lives of others. It is truly chaotic.

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