Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I had never really been exposed to machinima, so when reading the screenplays as well as watching the videos, I was both shocked and impressed. I was shocked because it never occurred to me how intricate machinima can be – let alone that it existed. I was impressed because it was clear some individual had not only the creativity to make something such as this to be enjoyed for others to watch and read, but that the idea, the inception to realize what they themselves visualize. I grew up watching my brother play many of the games shown, such as Grand Theft Auto and The Sims, so watching it portrayed in a different light for me something that was a lot more deeper, a lot more significant than crashing cars and virtual families. What really took me aback was the eye of the director that made me, the audience, feel engaged. I think they effectively did this through the various angles, wide screen to zoomed shots, sound effects, as well as the vivid images and voice overs. I enjoyed all the machinima as they ultimately showed the range in which machinima can be used and utilized to convey a message – be it comedic, dramatic, mysterious, thrilling, or even one of just pure emotion such as that of the Sims.

The screenplays in reading were all intense. They were not only detailed, but I felt as though they gave me a play by play – a road map that I as the reader could navigate through without the author having to stand over my shoulder explaining what he/she meant by this or that. I feel as though writing a screenplay takes a lot more work as it is in essence, the foundations of what the realization of your visualization will be. I also feel the more detailed the piece, the better it will come out to be. I feel as though once you are able to read a screenplay, and be able to transport your reader to that exact time, place, and event – you have successfully created a screenplay that will not only challenge the audience to watch, but to be engaged.

I honestly don’t really know what my machinima would center around – I do know however, that I would want it to circle around Marcus and/or his friends just because I believe it would be a lot more interesting to start from there and take it to a different level. Hmm…

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