Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hypertext Proposal: Homophobia

My direction for this hypertext will be bolder and possibly “flashy”. I feel that it is such a controversial topic and argument that the format and layout should definitely match the topic. I am extremely inspired by this topic because many of my friends and a member of family is definitely hurt by society’s homosexual hatred. My idea will be split into 14-17 pages/links. The splash page will look like possibly a pentagon and will show the various sides of this issue which will be homophobic society, heterosexual people that defend homosexuals, the government(with all economic issues), the church, and homosexual people. Being a heterosexual teenager coming from many ignorant situations within high school and parts of college, I am very inspired to educate and possible make a difference within society.

The topic is extremely personal to me because it does not only represent gay, lesbian, and bisexual people but anyone who is different in this world. In essence, the homophobic society is discouraging and harassing people who are the way they are because of how they are born. It stops people from being themselves and even discourages people to be something they are not. The normal expectation of the world is that a man has to like a woman and a woman must like a man etc.

My hyperlink will also focus on the phrase “That’s Gay” and how it has become a new term for something being stupid or not cool. It has seriously gotten out of hand as to how many people use the term without having to think about it. In general the world has definitely gotten frustrating for homosexuals as people are called “fags” or “gay” just as regular terms. Overall I believe this hypertext will be just as personal as my first hypertext and hopefully the effects will be strong.

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