Saturday, October 23, 2010

3 peer suggestions and notes


Has a good consistent, simple outline. Maybe too much white space? I like how the titles are set apart but changing the color and the font size. The links to the satellite pages are hard to find so it really forces you to read which is good. I’m digging the background.


I really like your navigation it gives you a lot of different ways to browse the site. You did I really good job of picking your topic. You can tell that you care a lot about the topic. I like the black, white, and blue color scheme. Your design is consistent and clean. You use up the space well. I think your site is really good dude.


I really like the layout that you chose. It really makes your site stand out. I like how you incorporated outside sites into your site. Your topic is relevant to every college student. The color scheme is really good and I like how you made it look like facebook.


People scan

80 percent of ontime is spent browseing not reading

hyper text is a good way to present information

if people want to read indepth then they will print it out (80 percent)

browsing and keyword spotting


people do not read they pay attention to keywords (bolded) sub headings, pictures

ways to make the site better

concise text

scannable layout

Good internet writing: concise scannable and objective

its harder for you eyes to read computer screens than paper


put a home link on every page

use a consistend design scheme for every page

group similar ideas

forget about back and next

place navigation at the top and the bottom of each page

navigation looks best when it is consistent

hierarchical navigation

big> smaller> smaller> specific topic

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