A single war shaped and changed the future of the United States in a single boom. I am not talking about a nuclear explosion or the bombing over Pearl Harbor. I am talking about the baby boomer generation that caused the United States population to fluctuate instantly. The numbers of the baby boomer generation are said to have remolded the structure of society. As a whole the generation was said to be the wealthiest, healthiest and generation with the brightest future to come.
The key word in that paragraph above about the baby boomer generation is “was”. Baby boomers were said to be the generation with the brightest future but it’s time for them to let go of the past and move over for the next generation with a bright future to step in. It is generation Y’s term to take the lead and fix the problems that the baby boomers and generation x have created that are present to our future today. Many people ask how that is possible and I am here to say that regardless if you want it or not, technology is going to make the future brighter. I am not saying that the world will be run by robots; I am saying generation y will develop new technological devices that will aid in making a better life for all people around the world.
In the past ten years the technological advances have been astronomical. We as a society no longer have to wait to get home to make a phone call, surf the web, or speak face to face with another person. It is technological advances like the cell phone that will better the future of the world. Therefore the baby boomers just need to accept the fact that their time as the generation of the future is over and it is now our time to shine and our time to create a better world for mankind.
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