Monday, May 9, 2011

Scene 1:
Marcus’ House
Marcus, although only a teenager, receives a phone call from the DHS in regards to a possible position at the DHS.
Marcus: “Hello”
Woman on phone: “We need you”
Marcus: responds hesitantly: “Whatever you need”
Scene finishes with camera fading out from Marcus’ face.

Scene 2: Marcus at DHS headquarters finds out what he needs to do
Man: “Marcus we need your expertise to fix this mess”
Marcus: “What mess?”
Man: “Surveillance”
Marcus nods and the camera pans around the room centered around Marcus and the man as they continue to talk.

Scene 3: Marcus is watching surveillance tapes and sees surveillance trucks driving by, people being interrogated.
Marcus: “This is ridiculous, this can’t go on.”
Camera zooms in on another security tape of Marcus’ friends being interrogated on the street

Scene 4: Marcus goes on TV and makes a speech.
Marcus: “It has come to my attention that surveillance is ruining the lives of so many innocent people and I am here to inform all of you that I hereby remove all effective means of surveillance.”

Camera flashes to homes of people jumping up and down cheering and everyone is excited. Following the same themes the book Marcus holds the same view on surveillance and begins to rapidly eradicate all forms of surveillance because he believes society will be able to function properly without any forms of surveillance. Surveillance trucks no longer patrol the streets and the only form of enforcement is the police.

Scene 4: Filming Marcus walking down the streets
Everyone is excited and everyone is behaving perfectly. No disorder.

Scene 5: 2 Weeks later. The city is going crazy, terrorist attacks are something to expect and the down is in utter chaos. Marcus has no security tapes to look at so he walks down the street and becomes a victim of robbery.
Robber: “Give me your wallet”
Marcus: “Do you know who I am?”
Robber: “You’re the man who made this robbery possible”

Scene 6: Once San Francisco becomes a free for all, Marcus steps in and executes his authority over all of the citizens. Marcus then falls for the power fallacy, the abuse of power. Marcus with his sudden increase in power becomes worse than Severe Haircut lady.
The camera starts with Marcus lying in bed when he suddenly realizes he needs to step in. We watch as Marcus talks to other DHS employees and he formulates a plan.

Scene 7: He begins installing key loggers in everyone’s computers, Internet spyware, webcam monitors and changes society into the most invasive society. Everyone in society is being detained, even his friends.

Scene 8: With this a new form of rebellion takes place but does not target Marcus the same way Marcus targeted the DHS. The rebellion is violent and small mobs of people gathered to capture Marcus

Scene 9: The citizens of San Francisco continue to rebel and do not let Marcus’ technology affect them at all but Marcus becomes enraged that crime rates continue to rise so instead of targeting people for the sake of stopping terrorism, Marcus targets all of the citizens to show he is the absolute leader.

Scene 10: Marcus turns San Francisco into a sort of prison where everyone is under investigation to see if they are obeying Marcus.

Scene 11: When Marcus finally has enough he starts to imprison everyone, while Marcus is roaming the streets he gets kidnapped by a group of underground thugs.

Scene 12: They beat and torture to return San Francisco back to the way it should be. Marcus has a sudden realization that absolute power corrupted him and resigns from his position of power and hands it back to Severe Haircut lady who puts San Francisco back to the way it should be.

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