Monday, May 2, 2011


A torture victim has the opportunity of a chance encounter with his torturer, and he contemplates how his life has been affected. The scene begins with Marcus sitting at a bench in a park. He spots a woman with short hair walking at somewhat of a distance from where Marcus is sitting, we all know her as Severe Haircut Lady. Marcus’s inner-monologue begins. His monologue is framed by flashbacks. So the scene goes back and forth from the present and Marcus’s past. He goes through the back story, which explains to the viewer how Marcus and others were tortured at this woman’s hands. One other character who is spotlighted is Darryl, whose effects seem to be much more permanent and scarring than Marcus’s. In the present, Marcus contemplates how this encounter is such a one in a million chance; it’s so unexpected. He wants so badly to be able to say something to her that will make her experience as much pain as he went through. He wants to make it fair. She never got punished, she was let free, but the effects of his torture stayed with him. But then he thinks about all the more or less positive effects that came fro his torture. He will never be the same, but the person he has become isn’t necessarily bad. He thinks about his girl friends, his job, his happiness, and he decides to not say anything to the woman.

This monologue, character-centered plot is meant to highlight the effects of torture. It shows how some people never recover from something so scarring, as seen with Darryl. But it also shows how a strong person, with a strong support system and something to be passionate about can survive, and be all the better.

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