Weblog for Writing With New Media 2010-2011 with Marc Bousquet at Santa Clara University
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Retrograde Amnesia
Happy Watching Ya'll!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Link to Screenplay
There's also a link to a PDF version of the screenplay. To view the PDF version, just click on the link "PDF SCREENPLAY"
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Final Screenplay
Monday, May 9, 2011
Camera angle is aerial and askew – MARCUS YALLOW (normal looking young male) sits on a park bench – seems to be Spring – he is motionless and life moves around him.
My name is Marcus Yallow.
(Abruptly looks up and focuses on a woman with a severe haircut (CARRIE) across the park)
Out loud: It couldn’t be.
FLASHBACK – CARRIE is interrogating MARCUS.
Well, hello again. We won’t let you die. If you stop breathing, we’ll make sure you start again. So don’t worry about it. (marcus coughs) See? Not so bad. Welcome home, M1k3y. We’ve got somewhere very special to take you.
(Take him to prison)
Do you know what waterboarding is, M1k3y? You get strapped down like this and we pour water over you head, up your nose, down yourmouth………You won’t be able to fight the feeling that you’re dying.
She tortured me out of spite. She exacted revenge for a crime I never committed. All I ever did was stand up for something I believed to be true. Maybe I broke her rules, but I never once forgot the Constitution. They took away my freedoms and she took away my youth. My dignity.
I wasn’t the only one who lost something. I wasn’t the only one….
FLASHBACK – DARRYL is sitting at a desk with his hands tied behind his back, with CARRIE standing over him. He is crying. Scene switches to view of DARRYL thrown in a jail cell.
Darryl was my best friend. He took things a lot worse than I did. He was there for so long. I just don’t think he will ever be the same.
SCENE FLASHES – Darryl is being rescued by Marcus. They stand awkwardly looking at each other.
FLASH TO PRESENT – MARCUS is still restless on the bench.
FLASHBACK – Marcus is talking to MRS.YALLOW (older woman) who has her hand on his shoulder and appears to be consoling him while they look at a newspaper.
I can’t believe she went free. (Pause) There just isn’t any justice. We suffered so much and we can never go back. I just want to make her feel my pain. If I ever saw her (Pause) I don’t even know what I would do.
FLASHBACK – Messy, dark bedroom. MARCUS is curled up on the bed next to ANGE (young, pretty female). He is crying while she attempts to console him. She obviously gets no reaction, but stays anyway.
FLASHBACK – MARCUS is sitting alone on a couch staring at a blank TV. A moment goes by and then MR. and MRS. YALLOW enter the room and sit on either side of him on the couch.
FLASHBACK – MARCUS sitting at a computer typing. ANGE is with him. MARCUS is intent on something.
If it were not for my parents (pause) and Ange, I don’t know what I would have done. I would not have been the person I am today. I would not have found my passion.
FLASH INTO PRESENT – ANGE is standing in front of the bench, seeming unsure. She sits down next to MARCUS, follows his gaze and sees CARRIE. ANGE tentatively grabs MARCUS’S hand. MARCUS is sheepish, pulls his hand away and stands up. MARCUS looks at the woman across the park. He turns back to ANGE.
Let’s get out of here.
ANGLE SWITCHES to a view of MARCUS and ANGE walking away hand in hand.
There is no going back, but really, I suppose, there is no time like the present.
FLASH to a scene of DARRYL alone in a messy house with his head in his hands.
rough screenplay
John Davidson pulls into his parking space at the Department of Homeland Security, and walks into the building and walks down a long hallway. As he walks , we hear John’s voice in the background, though his lips do not move.
JOHN Voiceover monologue: The boss called me in earlier than usual. I didn’t mind. I loved my job. As far as I knew, it was another day at the office.
John walks into the office, a large room filled with computers and TV monitors used for surveillance. John is about to walk past Greg’s desk, but Greg stops him.
GREG: Hey John, tough loss for those Redskins yesterday.
JOHN: Tell me about it Greg.
GREG: Maybe you oughtta teach them how to tackle, huh?
Greg laughs at his own joke. John does not.
GREG: Well, other than that, how was your weekend?
JOHN: I worked all weekend. They wanted me to come in. Lauren was out of town. I figured I might as well.
GREG: Wow, do you ever take a moment off?
John begins to walk away to his nearby desk.
JOHN: Later, Greg.
GREG: Later, John.
John walks to his desk and sits down. As he sits, the monologue returns.
JOHN Voiceover monologue: I sat down and got to work. I’m a button pusher. My main job is to monitor the security cameras we placed all around the city. If I see anybody committing crimes, I push a button. Then the cops show up.
John is sitting at the computer at this point. The camera flashes to show the monitor showing a street from the point of view of a security camera. The monologue continues.
JOHN Voiceover monologue: You know how some kids like to shine a magnifying glass onto bugs and watch them burn? My job’s just like that.
On the monitor, two bums are fighting in an alley
JOHN: Take it inside, drunkies. Inside a cell.
John presses a button. The camera goes to the monitor, and a cop car shows up.
GREG: Hey John, I see some suspicious characters on the corner of Oak and Lincoln. You should take a look.
JOHN: I’m on it.
Three male teenagers are standing on the street corner. They are joking around, doing nothing.
JOHN: Truancy and loitering. Probably have drugs too. Party’s over boys.
John presses the button. Four cop cars show up.
GREG: Check out this guy on 26th. Looks like he’s trying to run from something.
John’s monitor turns to a man running down the sidewalk.
JOHN: Let’s see if he has a reason.
John pushes the button. A cop car cuts off the running man.
GREG: Nice work John. I’m going to get some coffee, you want any?
JOHN: Sure.
Greg walks out of the room. John looks around and presses a button marked WIFE TRACKER. The screen changes to show Lauren, wearing sunglasses and a dress, walking down the street. She sees a man, they hug, and they walk together holding hands.
JOHN: Who the hell is that?
John reaches for his phone and dials a number. Lauren answers on the monitor.
JOHN: Hey baby, just calling to see what you’re up to.
LAUREN: I keep telling you, you don’t have to do that ten times a day, John. I’m at work.
JOHN: At work?
LAUREN: Yep. I have to go to a meeting now. Love You.
JOHN: Love you too.
Lauren hangs up.
JOHN: What’s going on here?
Lauren and her male friend get into a car and drive away.
JOHN: I have to see what this is about.
The camera follows Lauren and the Mystery Man as they walk to a car, enter the car and drive away. The camera follows the car, abruptly switching angles, implying that John is watching this on his computer using security cameras. The car pulls up to the driveway of a house, and Lauren and MM go inside. The camera switches back to John’s stunned face. Greg walks back into the room with coffee.
GREG: John, I have your coffee here (John turns to him with the same stunned expression) What happened to you?
John quickly gets up and runs to Greg
JOHN: Greg, what would you do if you thought you saw your wife sneaking around with another man?
GREG: Well, with Stacy I don’t think that I really have to worry about-
GREG: (scared) uh, uh, I‘d probably follow them.
John runs past Greg and out of the office
GREG: Do you still want your coffee?
The camera follows John as he runs out of the office and into his car. He starts the car, and there is a very short scene where he is driving the car to fast, intense music. John then pulls up to the house, gets out of the car, runs to the door, pauses, then opens the door and enters.
John enters to find that he is alone in a quiet, empty living room. However, he hears a woman screaming out from a nearby doorway, which the camera flashes to. John walks to the doorway, pulls his gun out, and opens the door.
Inside he finds Lauren sitting alone on a made bed. There is a radio next to her.
John puts the gun away.
JOHN: What is going on here Lauren?
LAUREN: John, for a long time now, I have felt like wherever, I am, no matter what I am doing, I can’t ever be alone.
JOHN: Look, baby-
LAUREN: (interrupts) John, I love you, but I can’t get away from you. You call me twenty times a day. You always want to know where I am and what I’m doing. I needed to know how much you spied on me. John, this was a setup.
JOHN: What do you mean, a setup?
LAUREN: I figured you might be spying on me at when you’re work, but I needed to know. That man I was with is a friend from college. He agreed to help. We aren’t having an affair, and he’s gay anyway. It doesn’t matter anymore now. I’m leaving you.
JOHN: Lauren, baby, please, I Love you. I just need to know that you’re safe.
LAUREN: There is a thin line between feeling safe and feeling caged, and with you I crossed that line a long time ago. You had your gun out when you came in. Were you going to shoot me if I had been cheating on you?
JOHN: I thought something bad might have been happening to you. I wanted to protect you.
LAUREN: Protect me? You clearly don’t trust me, and if you can’t trust me, you don’t respect me. I can’t be with someone that doesn’t respect me. I going to my lawyer and getting a restraining order against you.
Lauren gets up and begins to walk out the door.
JOHN: Lauren, don’t do this to me please, I Love You, I Need you!!
LAUREN: I’ll send someone to get my things. I’ll be moving far away. Goodbye, John.
The Camera follows Lauren as she goes to the car she arrived in, gets in, and leaves. The camera goes back to John in the bedroom alone. John pulls his gun back out. He looks at it, then puts it back, and walks out the door.
Credits Roll
Marcus’ House
Marcus, although only a teenager, receives a phone call from the DHS in regards to a possible position at the DHS.
Marcus: “Hello”
Woman on phone: “We need you”
Marcus: responds hesitantly: “Whatever you need”
Scene finishes with camera fading out from Marcus’ face.
Scene 2: Marcus at DHS headquarters finds out what he needs to do
Man: “Marcus we need your expertise to fix this mess”
Marcus: “What mess?”
Man: “Surveillance”
Marcus nods and the camera pans around the room centered around Marcus and the man as they continue to talk.
Scene 3: Marcus is watching surveillance tapes and sees surveillance trucks driving by, people being interrogated.
Marcus: “This is ridiculous, this can’t go on.”
Camera zooms in on another security tape of Marcus’ friends being interrogated on the street
Scene 4: Marcus goes on TV and makes a speech.
Marcus: “It has come to my attention that surveillance is ruining the lives of so many innocent people and I am here to inform all of you that I hereby remove all effective means of surveillance.”
Camera flashes to homes of people jumping up and down cheering and everyone is excited. Following the same themes the book Marcus holds the same view on surveillance and begins to rapidly eradicate all forms of surveillance because he believes society will be able to function properly without any forms of surveillance. Surveillance trucks no longer patrol the streets and the only form of enforcement is the police.
Scene 4: Filming Marcus walking down the streets
Everyone is excited and everyone is behaving perfectly. No disorder.
Scene 5: 2 Weeks later. The city is going crazy, terrorist attacks are something to expect and the down is in utter chaos. Marcus has no security tapes to look at so he walks down the street and becomes a victim of robbery.
Robber: “Give me your wallet”
Marcus: “Do you know who I am?”
Robber: “You’re the man who made this robbery possible”
Scene 6: Once San Francisco becomes a free for all, Marcus steps in and executes his authority over all of the citizens. Marcus then falls for the power fallacy, the abuse of power. Marcus with his sudden increase in power becomes worse than Severe Haircut lady.
The camera starts with Marcus lying in bed when he suddenly realizes he needs to step in. We watch as Marcus talks to other DHS employees and he formulates a plan.
Scene 7: He begins installing key loggers in everyone’s computers, Internet spyware, webcam monitors and changes society into the most invasive society. Everyone in society is being detained, even his friends.
Scene 8: With this a new form of rebellion takes place but does not target Marcus the same way Marcus targeted the DHS. The rebellion is violent and small mobs of people gathered to capture Marcus
Scene 9: The citizens of San Francisco continue to rebel and do not let Marcus’ technology affect them at all but Marcus becomes enraged that crime rates continue to rise so instead of targeting people for the sake of stopping terrorism, Marcus targets all of the citizens to show he is the absolute leader.
Scene 10: Marcus turns San Francisco into a sort of prison where everyone is under investigation to see if they are obeying Marcus.
Scene 11: When Marcus finally has enough he starts to imprison everyone, while Marcus is roaming the streets he gets kidnapped by a group of underground thugs.
Scene 12: They beat and torture to return San Francisco back to the way it should be. Marcus has a sudden realization that absolute power corrupted him and resigns from his position of power and hands it back to Severe Haircut lady who puts San Francisco back to the way it should be.
ScreenPlay Discussion & XtraNormal Movie
For my screenplay, I wrote an epilogue for Little Brother. My story is about Marcus gaining control of the government after the events of Little Brother and becoming a corrupt leader. My main characters are Jolu and Van, who are trying to stop Marcus. I wanted my story to have some type of interesting twist. Thus, I began the story with Van being captured and Jolu thinking it was Marcus's doing. However, Jolu later finds out that Van faked the abduction and has formed a rebel group to fight against Marcus. I thought that my storyline was fairly interesting and would suck the audience in. However, some problems was that I couldn't really get great character development. Also, my ending doesn't really END the story. It's more of an ending that implies what will happen, but doesn't show it. I made it this way because there wasn't enough time to fit a whole lot into a 5 minute film. Even with these shortcomings, I feel like my screenplay was very well done. I just need to shorten the dialogue if anything.
Xtranormal Short Video URL:
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Scene 2: Marcus finds out that he is asked to become the president of the DHS and that they are in desperate need of a new security policy.
Scene 3 following the same themes the book Marcus holds the same view on surveillance and begins to rapidly eradicate all forms of surveillance because he believes society will be able to function properly without any forms of surveillance. Surveillance trucks no longer patrol the streets and the only form of enforcement is the police.
Scene 4: With that being the case society begins to go out of control because the town is no longer under heavy fire by the DHS.
Scene 5: Once San Francisco becomes a free for all, Marcus steps in and executes his authority over all of the citizens. Marcus then falls for the power fallacy, the abuse of power. Marcus with his sudden increase in power becomes worse than Severe Haircut lady.
Scene 6: He begins installing key loggers in everyone’s computers, internet spyware, webcam monitors and changes society into the most invasive society. With this a new form of rebellion takes place but does not target Marcus the same way Marcus targeted the DHS.
Scene 7: The citizens of San Francisco continue to rebel and do not let Marcus’ technology affect them at all but Marcus becomes enraged that crime rates continue to rise so instead of targeting people for the sake of stopping terrorism, Marcus targets all of the citizens to show he is the absolute leader. Scene 8: Marcus turns San Francisco into a sort of prison where everyone is under investigation to see if they are obeying Marcus.
Scene 9: When Marcus finally has enough he starts to imprison everyone, while Marcus is roaming the streets he gets kidnapped by a group of underground thugs.
Scene 10: They beat and torture to return San Francisco back to the way it should be. Marcus has a sudden realization that absolute power corrupted him and resigns from his position of power and hands it back to Severe Haircut lady who puts San Francisco back to the way it should be.
"The Disappeared" Scene by Scene Outline
2) Robin gets up and walks towards a nearby water fountain. Before she reaches the fountain she is taken against her will (struggles to escape) by two men in dark suits and thrown into a nearby van. The van takes off almost immediately afterwards.
3) Crow jolts and runs through the city after them, screaming and yelling for them to stop, trying to catch up to his girlfriend. He eventually loses the van and kneels down, panting and tired. He cries out in despair.
4) Crow returns back to his and Robin’s apartment. Bent on finding his girlfriend before something happens to her, he uses his superior skills in technology to hack and infiltrate the city’s numerous security cameras. Using the recordings, he is able to pinpoint an area that he assumes the headquarters of the kidnappers. He rushes off.
5) Crow is seen getting off a bus, nearby what seems to be a dark abandoned building. Crow secretly infiltrates the headquarters and makes his way into the central room, where he finds his beloved Robin. However something is amiss, Robin isn’t in danger, and she is leading the organization of abductors. Crow is shocked and speechless, eventually demanding she explain what’s going on. Robin reveals that people themselves ask to be kidnapped in order to escape the government (which has been recently turning more Totalitarianism) and fake their own death to leave their old identity behind and start up a new life elsewhere. Robin is sorry for not telling Crow the truth and explains she had to fake her kidnapping to get the police off of her trail. Crow takes it all in, then bursts out that this is ludicrous. He says that these abductions have been affecting the population very negatively and that the families of the disappeared are probably worried. He takes off without letting Robin say another word; Robin lets him leave without causality.
6) Crow is walking on the street, talking to himself. He is thinking of turning in Robin and her secret group to the police/government. Crow thinks that it isn’t right for a few people (minority) to escape life and get what they want, when it will affect everyone else (majority) and make them fearful of abductions they think lead to murder.
7) He’s near the local police station now, about to enter, when he sees something. Three police men are beating up a woman wearing a business suit. He overhears the policemen saying something along the lines of “We warned you once already! No one can leave this state, the government forbids it! This is your punishment, and if you try something like this again, you’ll get worse!” Crow stops, and realizes what’s happening to his beloved state. The government situation is truly becoming a problem, overpowered by greed and corruption. He realizes that not only a select few need to escape this now becoming hell hole, but that everyone would benefit from leaving if they knew how. He runs back towards the abandoned building.
8) Crow rushes in and interrupts Robin, mid in conversation with a man. Crow tells her he would love to help their organization, that he realizes that the state has become evil and that people need help leaving/escaping. Crow explains that Robin has been right. If the people can escape, then the government has no one to govern over, and that’s how they will be stopped! Robin nods in agreement.
9) Garbed in black, Robin, Crow, and two others leave the building. You see them walking off into the distance. Screen fades-enter credit scene.
Scene by Scene Script
Mr. Mathers is your typical government worker going to work everyday, performing surveillance tasks for the government then returns home not knowing what the government is exactly doing with the info that he is collecting. You see Sean Mathers works for the Department of Homeland Security, a company hired by the Government to perform surveillance. At first people were skeptical on whether or not it was a good idea to put the job of surveillance in the hands of a outsourced company. The Government however assured the people that strict guidelines and regulations are going to be placed on the DHS. All goes well for awhile till Sean Mathers discovers that the DHS is in fact using the surveillance for their own personal gain and to black mail government officials causing corrupt officials in office. Now Sean Mathers must stand up against the DHS and show the people of the
Scene One
Setting: News Cast
President Barack Obama addresses the nation that due to a need for increase in security and surveillance the
President Obama: Good evening my fellow Americans. Tonight the United States Government is here to inform you that we will be increasing our surveillance of the American Public to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the population. We hope that these steps will help further the growth of our nation. The surveillance will be conducted by a United States Company called the DHS. Through outsourcing we hope to relieve so pressure off of government officials so they can focus on revamping our economy.
Scene two
Home of Sean Mathers
Speaking to his wife Sean sees the making the DHS the head of surveillance an opportunity to get a valuable job and help his family financially. After being a survivor of the 9/11 attacks he thinks the nation needs more security.
Sean: Jane it will be a great job that will help support us financially while helping to maintain a safe country in the process.
Jane: You know I support you in whatever you do. I feel like this will be a nice place for you to get back on your feet after 9/11.
Scene Three:
At the DHS Headquarters Sean receives very minimal information about the company and is told to not leave the room he is in because they cannot miss anything on the cameras.
Scene Four:
While the American population is off at school and work the DHS goes into every home and places cameras in them. They believe that in order to fully do their job that they need to observe the United States citizens while in their homes.
Scene Five:
While sitting on his couch watching television with his wife Sean realizes something odd. There is a black shiny dot that is on the ceiling of his living room. He checks it out and realizes that it is a camera and starts to speculate on what it could be for.
Scene Six:
Sean sneaks into his bosses office while there is an all company meeting and searches the computers. He finds out that the DHS is no longer using the surveillance for means of safety but rather for a means of exploiting the American population.
Scene by Scene outline
Scene 2: John has a conversation with a Co-worker (Greg), which further illustrates John's background. This short conversation informs the viewer of John’s marital status, his satisfaction with his job, and his future plans (vacation). The purpose of this is to give the viewer a glimpse of John’s personality and background before the events to come.
Scene 3: John pulls up to his chair with a monitor in front. The monologue returns, showing John's thought process as he sits down and starts to work.
Scene 4: Camera goes to the monitor. eventually John's wife (Laura) walks across the screen holding a stranger's hand, as if they are together
Scene 5: Camera flashes to John's face and reaction, then flashes back to moniter as the couple get into a car and drive to a house, all the while being followed virtually by John (variety of camera angles necessary here)
Scene 6: John gets out of the chair, runs out of the office, and runs into his car. There is another monologue illustrating John’s thought processes (feelings of betrayal, planning course of action, etc). The monologue begins when John enters the car and continues as the camera shows john driving to the house.
Scene 7: John parks in front of the house, gets out of the car, and opens the door.
Scene 8: John is alone in the main room of the house. He hears loud shreiks coming from a room with a closed door. John pulls out his handgun and opens the door.
Scene 9: John opens to door to find Laura sitting alone, waiting for him. John puts down the gun. Laura explains to John that she was not really having an affair, but wanted to see if John was using his work to stalk her. John tries to explain, but Laura tells him that she is tired of being watched and wants a divorce. Laura walks out of the room.
Scene 10. John is in the room alone. After a close up of John's face, John leaves behind his gun and his cell phone and walks out of the room.
scene by scene outline
Alarm goes off and Marcus gets out of bed. He goes to the bathroom and looks in the mirror.
Scene Two: Flashback to the creation of Xnet and all the work he has put in to bring down the DHS.
Scene Three: Gets dressed and leaves house
Scene Four: Meets with girlfriend Masha
Scene Five Flashback to meeting Masha and the strengthening of their relationship.
Scene Six : Masha and Marcus sitting in a café talking about the day before. Masha brings up how the DHS has announced that someone is hacking their system. Marcus makes up a story of what he did the other day. They both get up and leave the café.
Scene: Seven: Masha is walking down the street and she enters a big building. She is patted down by security and enters the elevator.
Scene Eight: Masha is working at her desk and thinks to herself it is rather odd the story Marcus told her about what he did yesterday. Things don’t seem to add up. Someone next to her has cracked into X net and she works on the new lead.
Scene Nine: Marcus is working with Jolu on the X net planning their next move. They’ve made a lot of progress and talk about how close they are to bringing the DHS down once and for all. Marcus finds it suspicious that Masha knows so much about the DHS. How does she know what’s happening before he does?
Scene Ten: Marcus and Masha meet for dinner at an Italian restaurant. They sit and chat for a little about how their days at “work” went, then Masha gets up to use the restroom and leave her phone on the table face up. When Masha is out of sight the phone vibrates and the screen reads “Masha we’ve decrypted X net. We know who’s running it. Call for verification ASAP” Marcus reads the screen looks around the room in confusion shock and panic as music fills the background and he gets up and runs out of the restaurant. Masha comes back and notices Marcus is gone. She reads her phone, runs to the side walk sees no one and calls DHS to confirm that it’s Marcus.
Scene Eleven: Marcus reaches Jolu’s house where he spends the night explaining what happened and how they know it’s him. Jolu freaks and starts packing, but Marcus calms him down and convinces him to help him work through the night to bring the DHS down the next day. They work all night and Jolu passes out. Marcus goes out to get a cup of coffee.
Scene Twelve: Masha is secretly following Marcus around every corner. When he reaches an alley way right before the café she tackles and handcuffs him. She picks him up and brings him inside the coffee shop. She orders a cup and they sit and talk. As Masha explains her story, she flashbacks to being tortured by the DHS and given a choice to either continue being held captive or set free to work with the DHS in bringing down the X net. Marcus explains how close they are to bringing down the DHS. She can join the X netters and bring down the DHS. Masha thinks about it, the camera closes up on her face and tears form in her eyes as she tells him no. She says she has no choice. She picks up and they walk out of the café. Marcus breaks free from Masha’s grip and sprints free.
Scene Thirteen: Marcus shows up in the early hours of the morning at a famous journalist’s doorstep. He begs to come inside and she lets him in. He explains everything to her about the DHS and the X net. She tells Marcus she will do everything in her power to make the story public and hopefully bring down the DHS.
Scene Fourteen: Marcus leaves the journalist house and goes into hiding.
Scene Fifteen: Marcus wakes up the next day and sees the paper headline- DHS ordered to shut down all operations in the State and are being charged with counts of torture and false imprisonment.
Scene Sixteen: Marcus walks to the café. Before he goes inside he sees Masha through the window sitting by herself at a table crying. He stares at her for a few moments reaches for the door but decides to keep walking instead.
Scene by Scene
Flashback into torture scene. The woman is torturing the young man and asking him for information. (Use actual dialogue from book). Inner-monologue continues and he briefly explains what happened.
Flash into present. On park bench. Monologue: "I wasn't the only one who was tortured."
Flashback. Scene is a different young male being tortured, thrown into jail cell. Monologue: My best friend, Darryl, was with me. He will never be the same. Scene flashes to Darryl's rescue and a sad hug between Marcus and Darryl?
Flash into present. Maarcus begins to get restless. Monologue: I can't believe she went free. There is no justice. I suffered so much. Darryl suffered so much. We can never go back. I want to make her feel my pain. But what could I say to someone so evil?
Flashback into messy, dark room. Marcus is curled up on the bed next to young woman (Ange). He seems to be crying.
Flash into present. Ange is standing in front of the bench, seeming unsure. She sits down next to Marcus. Follows his gaze and sees the woman. Ange tentatively grabs Marcus's hand. Marcus is sheepish, pulls his hand away and stands up. Marcus looks at the woman across the park. He turns back to Ange and says, “Let’s get out of here.”
Angle switches to a view of Marcus and Ange walking away hand in hand. Monologue: There is no going back, but really, I suppose, there is no time like the present.”
Flash to scene of Darryl alone in a messy house with his head in his hands. Black.
Daryl has been locked up on DHS Island for 2 months now. He has been tortured, abused, and malnourished. For his close friends Jolu and Marcus hope is beginning to fade and they may have to deal with the fact that their friend died because of their cowardly inability to act. Daryl’s parents have completely given up hope and begin their new life without him. Back on DHS island Daryl overhears a prison guard talking about how the national government is about to crack down on DHS island and that all of the prisoners will be killed in an attempt to destroy evidence. Daryl has many flashbacks to the "good old days" with his father and mother at the parks looking out at DHS island not knowing that in a few short years he would be facing a sense of impending doom. Daryl figured it out. He must escape.
He begins to acquire small ketchup packets. He then takes ketchup packets, puts them together into a jar and begins concentration them in the sun by adding his own source of urea, a nitrogenous base from urine, and stomach acid. He ends up making a batch so potent that it eats through the metal bars that hold him captive. At night he makes his escape. In traditional San Francisco escape fashion he makes a boat from inflated rain coats. Word gets out that a prisoner has escaped and the alarm is sounded. Lights from the watch towers are franticly looking around the ocean. They finally fixate on Daryl. The head DHS agent starts freaking out about what the implications if a prisoner leaked to San Francisco, their whole jig is off. She orders a sharpshooter to take him out. the sharp shooter takes aim, takes the shot and Daryl is hit, only wounded but hit in the leg. He begins to bleed into the ocean. The salt stings his gushing wound. He begins to notice that his improvised raft is beginning to fail. Slowly his raft starts to sink. Fatigued, hypovolemic, and discouraged, he slowly sinks to the bottom of the ocean, his efforts to escape have failed.
Scene 1
Daryl is locked up on DHS Island, being tortured by some of Carrie’s minions. There is no dialogue just a narrator explaining Daryl’s situation and pertinent events that preceded his arrival on DHS Island.
Scene 2
Daryl goes back to his cell and whimpers; he starts to put together flash back scenes of himself getting walked all over by his friends, different varieties of strength, comes to the conclusion that he does not have a backbone
Scene 3
Starts to try and grow a backbone, he starts mouthing off to the guards and to severe haircut lady. He ends up getting tortured and his few rights taken away but still fights.
Scene 4
His badassery begins to get noticed by other inmates and at lunch he begins to get a small croud of followers.
Scene 5
In his cell Daryl overhears a prison guard talking about how the national government is about to crack down on DHS island and that all of the prisoners will be killed in an attempt to destroy evidence
Scene 6
He begins to acquire small ketchup packets. He then takes ketchup packets, puts them together into a jar and begins concentration them in the sun by adding his own source of urea, a nitrogenous base from urine, and stomach acid. He ends up making a batch so potent that it eats through the metal bars that hold him captive. He makes a raft out of rain jackets.
Scene 7
Him and his cell mates dissolve the metal bars and start their escape
Scene 8
Word gets out that a prisoner has escaped and the alarm is sounded. Lights from the watch towers are franticly looking around the ocean. They finally fixate on Daryl. The head DHS agent starts freaking out about what the implications if a prisoner leaked to San Francisco, their whole jig is off. She orders a sharpshooter to take him out.
Scene 9
Fatigued, hypovolemic, and discouraged, he slowly sinks to the bottom of the ocean, his efforts to escape have failed.
Escape from DHS Island
Scene 1
--Open with Daryl about to get tortured.
Daryl: I’ve been tortured, abused, and malnourished for what seems like forever... The days have faded together to form a single haunting memory that clouds every bit of my thinking.
--Zoom in on Daryl getting water boarded
Daryl: At first it was just simply question and answer, stern but humane. Then my food got taken away. I guess they thought I was hiding something.
--Show Daryl in his cell looking hungry, clutching his knees to his chest. Show him dirty and fatigued
Daryl: Food came irregularly, when it did it never felt like enough. The pit in my stomach ate at me daily. My gut started to fade. I slowly became numb.
--Go back to Daryl getting tortured by getting burned
Daryl: slowly the agents lost their patience with me; the questioning sessions became torture. The fresh wounds always hurt the longest. My body covered with scars has started losing sensation. Acclimating to their evil is the only way to cope.
Daryl: The torture continues, I see no end in sight.
End Scene 1
Scene 2
--Flashback to times with Marcus and friends, at a café getting ignored
Daryl: Hey guys I was thinking we could have people over this weekend to my house.
Marcus: Daryl you know you’re house isn’t that much fun, and your mom doesn’t let us stay up late anyways, lets go to Vans house instead.
Van: Yeah that’s fine, ill have my mom make those noodles you guys like.
Marcus, Jolu: Yeah! Awesome.
Daryl: wait, I can’t stay over at Vans house, my mom wont let me.
Daryl is ignored.
Marcus: This is going to be awesome, Ill bring my extra 2 hard drives, we’ll install them tonight
Daryl: no wait Marcus those are mine you borrowed those
--Daryl looks down at the table while Marcus and Van
Marcus: What’s wrong D? What’s on your mind?
Daryl: well, I just feel like… pause…. oh never mind
Marcus: Alright Daryl, whatever man
--Scene changes back to Daryl’s cell
Daryl: They walked all over me; they only cared about themselves.
--Daryl starts to whimper to himself
Daryl: I shouldn’t have let them treat me like that; I didn’t even stand up for myself, I just took their shit. I can’t let that keep happening, I wont let happen.
Scene 3
Scene opens from Daryl’s POV watching a guard bring him some nasty grub
Guard: Daily special haha
Daryl: looks great, (he throws it back at the guard sternly)
Guard: ohhh a tough guy huh, how about no food for the rest of the weekend?
Daryl: Keep giving me that slop and it’ll keep coming your way
--Camera angle changes to see other prisoner’s cells
Other prisoners start hooting and hollering
Guard to another guard: go grab Carrie and see what she things about this
--Severe Hair cut lady enters smoking a cigarette
The citizens of San Francisco continue to rebel and do not let Marcus’ technology affect them at all but Marcus becomes enraged that crime rates continue to rise so instead of targeting people for the sake of stopping terrorism, Marcus targets all of the citizens to show he the absolute leader. Marcus turns San Francisco into a sort of prison where everyone is under investigation to see if they are obeying Marcus. When Marcus finally as enough he starts to imprison everyone, while Marcus is roaming the streets he gets kidnapped by a group of underground thugs. They beat and torture to return San Francisco back to the way it should be. Marcus has a sudden realization that absolute power corrupted him and resigns from his position of power and hands it back to Severe Haircut lady who puts San Francisco back to the way it should be.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Story Pitch
Mr. Mathers is your typical government worker going to work everyday, performing surveillance tasks for the government then returns home not knowing what the government is exactly doing with the info that he is collecting. You see Sean Mathers works for the Department of Homeland Security, a company hired by the Government to perform surveillance. At first people were skeptical on whether or not it was a good idea to put the job of surveillance in the hands of a outsourced company. The Government however assured the people that strict guidelines and regulations are going to be placed on the DHS. All goes well for awhile till Sean Mathers discovers that the DHS is in fact using the surveillance for their own personal gain and to black mail government officials causing corrupt officials in office. Now Sean Mathers must stand up against the DHS and show the people of the United States that they are not as safe as they think.
Story Pitch
Jasper Parnevick is the sixteen year old version of the most interesting man in the world. He is sexy and suave, and loves to break the law. He's most recent criminal activity involves robbing banks with fraudulant checks. He's super sneaky, and one day falls in love with the girl of his dreams. Her name is Jenny Peterson and she secretely works for the FBI investigating Americas most wanted criminals. Jasper is the first on her list, however she has no idea what he looks like. They start a relationship and become very close without knowing the others true identity. As the story progresses they become more and more supsicious of eachother until it appears quite evident that they will both figure it out its only a matter of who does first. Its an action packed drama love story.
Story Pitch
The first scene in some detail will be something like this:
Crow and his girlfriend, Robin, sit peacefully under a big tree on a sunny day. Birds chirping. They are sitting close to one another, cuddling under the warmth. They’re at a park in San Francisco, surrounded by tall buildings and such. The two talk and you can sense a deep connection. They talk about one topic in particular. Apparently there’s been a group of people committing random murders throughout the city. The only trace of evidence is a piece of paper with the words “Life=no more”, which is always found at the residence of the person who was kidnapped and assumed dead.
Soon however, Robin walks off to drink water from a nearby water fountain, when two shady men in dark suits, quietly and quickly grab her and throw her into a van. No one sees this but Crow, who yells and runs after them. He loses them and worries about his girlfriend for the rest of the day, calling the local police. He finds a piece of paper slipped under he and his girlfriend’s house door the next morning with the words “Life=no more” on it. He pursues the secret agency the only way he knows how: Hacker style.
What happens after in summary, is that you realize Crow is quite a selfish person and throws his family's concerns out the door. Crow then uses the city's security cameras to track the whereabouts of the secret agency that took his girlfriend. He finds out that the agency used the cameras as well, to track and kidnap their victims. The agents try to track and find Crow, but he uses stealth and trickery (hacking the system) to lose the agents. After the stealth battle of technology is over, Crow is able to find and infiltrate the enemy's headquarters. At the same time, the public is going paranoid and crazy over fear from being the next victim to be abducted. Can Crow stop the evil organization before it's too late?
Crow finds out that Robin, his girlfriend is actually the leader of the agency. He is shocked. Robin explains that the organizations true goal is to pretend to kidnap and kill people who want to start a new life under a new name. This way their old identity is dead, and they can start anew, elsewhere. She explains she loves him but had to fake her death to stop the police’s investigation on her. Crow knows that if he turns her and her organization in, they will be arrested for kidnapping and hacking into government security cameras, even if it was for a good cause. But he can’t just bat an eye away from this situation; hundreds of families are in deep pain because they think a loved one was kidnapped and murdered. Plus, he knows if this charade goes on, the fear of all the random kidnapping and assumed murders will truly negatively affect the public. Crow, sad yet determined of his choice, decides to turn in his girlfriend and her agency, for the greater good of the people. Crow is saddened that Robin is in jail, but he continues his life. He isn’t as selfish and quiet as he once was. He now has a legal business that’s sole purpose is to help people who are in debt or in trouble with their lives in anyway. He shows his compassion and helps others, rather than himself.
This monologue, character-centered plot is meant to highlight the effects of torture. It shows how some people never recover from something so scarring, as seen with Darryl. But it also shows how a strong person, with a strong support system and something to be passionate about can survive, and be all the better.
Screenplay pitch
One man alone must stand against a foreign army to defend his country and bring safety to his home.
Chase Ward is an ex-CIA agent living in his secluded cabin in the woods. His life is calm and normal, and he has stayed away from other people as long as possible. This all changes when a foreign army commits nuclear attacks against the United States and destroys all of the major cities. Chase must now try to save the country that he loves, and help defeat an invading army to secure his freedom. He will have to leave his humble home, and travel across the nation dodging attacks from the invaders, and meeting friends along the way to reach whatever form of U.S. government is left. Unfortunately Chase’s CIA training has left him in a position where he can eliminate his enemies, but he must also learn to trust people he doesn’t know to help achieve his goal. Chase will encounter individuals that are very different from the ones he knows. With the help of a San Francisco Police department cop, a little girl, and a one of the top real estate agents in the area he will try to stop the diabolical general in charge of taking over the state of California. Using the unique skills of each individual he will learn to trust his new friends, and devise a plan to eliminate the enemy opposition in California, and eventually across the nation. With his expert killing skills, Chase will slowly make his way to the commanding general. But once he gets close enough he will have to make a decision between the people that he has just recently learned to trust and support, or saving the rest of his nation. This is a story of the ability of people to influence another’s decision, and how strong the true bond of friendship can actually be. Chase Ward will make decisions that will haunt him for the rest of his life, but can he stop the evil invading general? Only time will tell in this epic tale.