Monday, May 2, 2011

Story Pitch

A man lays around his messy house and grieves for his missing son. His house is dirty and it is a physical representation of how he feels. He sees a picture of his son and remembers the day it was taken. It was not a happy day and the man was not nice to his son at all. The man had good intentions but was not able to express them the right way and instead came across as angry. After three weeks of misery, this memory seems to be a breaking point, and the man decides to take action. He gets up from the couch. He walks down a hallway and sees the front door. It brings up another painful memory of a time when the father wouldn’t let his son go to school because the son’s bed wasn’t made properly. The son sobs and looks from the window as the father stands on the sidewalk and waves the buss past. Again, the dad had good intentions, but it ends in disaster. The man makes his way to the basement to where his workbench is located. He remembers another time when the father and his son were supposed to make a box car, but the man became strict and controlling again, and the fun activity turned into another fight. Once at the bottom of the stairs, the man sees a box of his ex-wife’s things. It brings up the night when she left him. She told him some angry things about his personality and where it would take him with the rest of his life. The man also sees a second place ribbon for a baseball tournament the son played in. The father remembered how awful he was to the son. The memories continue to get worse and the man becomes more miserable the closer he gets to the workbench. He arrives at the workbench and ties a noose to kill him self. He is about to end it when he sees a picture of a happy time the father and son shared and it makes him realize that he made some mistakes, but he wasn’t completely terrible. He gets down and the doorbell rings. It’s his parents and they bring him good news about his son. The two are reunited and the father vows to do a better job.

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